We have been UNI EN ISO 9001 certified since 2003, quality for us means having a quality thought summarized in five points:
Kaizen – Even if we produce well today, there is always room for improvement.
Involvement – We are a team, everyone engaged with organization processes and actively contribute to the company development.
No Muda – Every day we work to make our processes faster and more efficient, with constant monitoring, no waste and continuous investments in research and innovation.
Stakeholder satisfaction – Our Team attention to customer satisfaction, our employees and all those directly or indirectly involved in projects or in company’s activities.
Partners – We name our “suppliers” “partners” as they are collaborators. We co-operate with all of them in a very professional way.
We have been UNI EN ISO 14001 certified since 2018. Plastic as a resource and not as a problem. CB has always been committed to design and produce with awareness, no waste, recycling and trying to reduce to zero its impact on the environment. Our values:
Awareness – Environmental awareness starts from design: every object we produce designed to last over time, reusable many times and at the end of its life recycled for reusing the material into the production cycle.
Green supply chain – we chose to work with those who share our values. We find our partners among those who believe attention to the environment is a value and not a cost.
Stakeholder satisfaction – We are very active for ensuring that our philosophy of attention and environmental awareness also effect context outside the company, the environment and the community where we work.
Respect – Attention to the environment, in all its forms, means respecting the community where we are, following its rules and regulations and involving the people who work with us and for us too.
Involvement – Changing through small daily gestures: at the company everyone gives his contribution.
Recycle, Reuse, No Waste – In all our processes, we try to minimize waste by recycling and reusing where it is possible.